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Biological and Soft Systems


Physics of Medicine (POM) Access

Anyone requiring access to the PoM will need to:

  1. Attend the Department's Safety Meeting- Please look here for the next meeting and location.
  2. Each applicant must also attend the POM Induction held on the first day of every week at 10 am at the POM main entrance. Please contact the Rutherford Hub ( to be booked onto a POM induction.
  3. Fill in the PoM User Form and send to the Rutherford Hub ().
  4. Be made a visitor to the department-NanoDTC student (2-4th year only) and anyone else outside of the Department of Physics or the University will also need to provide the Rutherford Hub () with the following
  • birthdate
  • nationality

Once you have satsified all these requirements, your access will be granted.

If you do not know which area that you require access to, please ask Lorenzo di Michele (soft matter & biochemistry work) or Tim Fitzmaurice (biological work).