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Biological and Soft Systems

Read more at: Cells and Biological Processes
bacterial colony

Cells and Biological Processes

Cells and biological processes From subcellular processes to populations, cells are fascinating and critical biological units. Physics can help understand their often complex behaviour, and can complement biological approaches. This often involves pushing known techniques to new limits, or...

Read more at: Soft and Biological Matter
Force on DNA

Soft and Biological Matter

Soft and Biological Matter The group has a distinguished history in both theory and experiment, from the foundations of polymer science continuing today into many developments of colloid and interface systems. We are interested in application and development towards novel composite or functional...

Read more at: Physics in Medicine

Physics in Medicine

Physics in medicine The work and expertise of the BSS sector includes innovative approaches towards diagnostics and disease screening. Much of this revolves around optical and other forms of imaging and image analysis. The microfluidics development carried out by various BSS members also has...